Austin Vas


"Gladsome was like a sweet home to me, never making me feel far from my actual home. Life there was truly wonderful, with meaningful prayers, delicious food, enjoyable games, and fulfilling work. It played a crucial role in shaping my strength and improving my vocation. Gladsome was the cornerstone of my life's foundation. I am deeply grateful to Gladsome Home for molding me into the person I am today."

"Gladsom provided me with a nurturing environment, akin to a home away from home, where I had the opportunity to reflect on my life and undergo significant personal and spiritual growth. The individuals I encountered at Gladsom, including Rectors, Spiritual directors, Regent Brs, Maam, and my fellow Brs, played a pivotal role in my journey. This place had a profound and lasting impact on me, helping me become the person I am today.

Ajay Loyed Lobo


Alwin Pinto


"Gladsom Home" is indeed a beautiful and cherished place, a true sanctuary where you've built countless memories. It's surrounded by the serene beauty of nature, with lush trees, colorful flowers, and a variety of fruits, making it a truly delightful setting. This home holds a special place in your heart because it's not just a place to live; it's a place where you can find solace, work towards your goals, and create lifelong friendships.


Vocation is the place where the world’s greatest  need and a person’s greatest joy is met 

“If God has called you, He will take care of you,” are the words that challenged me not to say ‘no’ when I had reached that stage of deciding whether to join the seminary or to decide to continue my life as a bachelor till I discern to get married.

Greetings to all the readers! To introduce myself, I’m Norman John Mathias from Yedapadavu, a rural area in Mangalore towards Moodbidri. I belong to Kuppepadavu parish. My dad, Mr Norbert Mathias is an agriculturist and my mom, Mrs Janet Mathias is a beautician at Yedapadavu. To mention something sensational about my family, I am the only child to my parents and also the only male to carry my family name. It is not sensational because of all this but because there are few such instances where a single child has joined the seminary to be a priest as there would be no one to take care of their parents later on (as testified by many since my joining the seminary). So, basically, this aspect of being the only child to my parents stands at the peak of all my problems to decide whether to join the seminary or not. 

 I was bought up in a rural setup where I did my schooling. My parish is about 4.5kms from my house if we had to walk through the shortest way. Yet, it was not a hindrance to me and my family to be there for Sunday services though it was tough to travel through the fields and hills in the early 2000s. I was regular for mass with my parents and for Sunday catechism. In the year 2002-03, my parish priest Fr Assisi Rebello began inviting brothers from the seminary for Sunday ministry at our parish which gave us an opportunity to learn music by playing keyboard. Fr Deep Fernandes, OCD was my first music teacher. Though I was just 9 years of age and had difficulties in travelling to church from that far at noon, my parents decided to send me to church with one of my Hindu friends from my village to accompany me for few Sundays till I learnt to go to church by myself. This Sunday activity gave a kick start to my life at church due to which I began spending longer time than usual and to get involved in several other church activities. I was more involved in choir and began conducting choir right from my fifteenth age. So, this kept me close to the church and God because it even made me spiritual.

I studied electronics under science branch in Alvas PU College at Moodbidri. Though I had a strict schedule at college where they kept us engaged even on Sundays, I would dare to miss the initial sessions on Sundays for the Sunday mass at my own parish. Nobody ever questioned me or held me wrong for attending mass though our attendance was tracked. Later, I entered St Joseph’s Engineering College at Vamanjoor. Here, I opted Electrical and Electronics Engineering. This place has an impact on my vocation. In actual, I would say that though I had joined this college to be an Engineer, it made me a candidate to priesthood. I was often found in the college chapel more than being found in the library. It all happened and changed once I was introduced to Jesus Youth movement at the college.

Our schedule had a short lunch break after morning sessions. I would spare some time after my lunch and go to the chapel and sit there for some time. Meanwhile, to my surprise, I heard few students gathering in the sacristy and praying and singing hymns and praises to the Lord. They were so free and fearless to pray loudly because their worship would hear till far in the campus. Every one there would finish their lunch and be there to pray for the intentions of all those who would drop an intention paper in the chapel intention box. Their charism and singing had drawn me towards that sacristy. It made me too to request them whether I can join them for prayers. They happily welcomed me. I enjoyed being with them though I didn’t know how to sing like them or spontaneously make a prayer and praise God with shouts of various praises. Slowly I learnt to pray like them and make a spontaneous prayer and so on. Eventually, they invited me for the Jesus Youth prayer meetings on Saturdays at noon. Though I didn’t know what it was, since I had trusted them, I agreed to be there for the prayer meeting. This brought a total change in my spiritual life. Its vibe and feel were so rich that I had never ever felt such a presence of the Lord in my life. The prayers that were made, the worship that was conducted, the testimonies that were shared and the fellowship that I experienced all left a lasting effect on me. I still remember that the effect of one prayer meeting would last for more than a week where I would feel God’s presence throughout. Those gatherings were so powerful that they left in me an everlasting impression of God’s presence in my life.

This made me to get in touch with many Jesus Youth members around and one day I was requested by one of my college Jesus Youth member to be a part of a diocesan retreat called ‘Yuvothsav’ held at Mulki on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the establishment of Mangalore diocese. I had to volunteer for the same. It was jointly organized by ICYM, AICUF, YCS and Jesus Youth. Hence, it required that the volunteers must attend the volunteers’ training program. Therefore, when I had attended the meetings, I was deeply inspired by the talks on the working of the Holy Spirit. It built so much courage and determination in me to work for the Lord. For the first time in my life I left as if I was not by myself but someone is moving and leading me. It gave me the boldness to mobilize many of my friends to be a part of the retreat. And during the retreat, I was even more moved by the testimonies, talks, music, adorations and so on. During one of the talks, a preacher while praying for the pouring down of the Holy Spirit on the gathering, asked us to stand if anyone felt like God is calling them to be a priest. I, after feeling a push within myself to say ‘yes’, gathering all the courage and letting go all my shame, holding my hands on my chest with my eyes closed stood up to say ‘yes’ to the Lord. After that, Jesus Youth helped me to experience the Lord in many ways at many places.

Four years later when the real time had come to decide whether to join the seminary or not, it was really a tough job to make a decision. Yet, after a lot of reflection and discernment and by being inspired by other seminarians whom I knew, I opted to join the seminary. Questions were plenty and my challenges were real. Journey seemed long and opportunity seemed waiting at my doorstep. I had a great career ahead, dreams to achieve, comforts to enjoy and open option to decide for my life. All that seemed a loss to me if I had not obeyed God’s plan and His call in my life. I couldn’t opt against the will of God who had a better plan for my life. As I had decided with myself to join the seminary, a lot of positive thoughts came to my help such as, “If God has called you, He will take care of you,” “God will lead you,” “What you think is a loss by becoming a priest is not a loss in actual. Having a good job tomorrow may keep you even more far from my parents for years!,” “You cannot oppose or fight or challenge God. Better to oblige with his call for my own good. For God’s plans are better than my plans.” It has been 8 years since then; Lord has kept me still in spite of not being faithful to him many times. I am certain that he has protected me and he will guide me forever.

Well, my story might seem good or bad to you to listen as per your way of understanding it. Yet, it is challenging to say ‘yes’ to the Lord and journey with him. But this journey is not my plan but His. So, why not journey as His plan? Vocation is a call and gift from God which has to be faced and lived being a normal human person with all imperfections. But in the eyes of the Lord we all are worthy to Him because God makes you worthy through His call. Do not be afraid to say a ‘yes’ to Him even if you feel that He is calling you. Because, if He is calling you, He will take care of you and all of your worries that stop you from saying ‘yes’ to the Lord. May He guide you in your decision making. Thank you. Pray for me!

My Journey towards the Altar of God…

I am Dn Pradeep Rodrigues, from Ferar Parish. My Father takes care of agriculture and mother is Home maker. I am the third among five children of my family. My elder sister is a Bethany nun, serving in Punjab Province. Elder brother is earning in abroad, who also supports our family with my father financially. Amid two younger sisters one is working as a clerk and another studying in PU College. 

As a child I was too much interested to serve the altar from near as an altar boy. Even though I was irregular to my classes but I was regular at the altar to serve. Even I was disappointed when someone snatched my chance yet there were instance where I fought for it. In my growing ages, in spite of poverty, agricultural works and schooling, this desire of mine gradually turned into a vocation because of my family prayers and the inspiration from my elder sister.

Mnsgr Maxim Noronha, Fr Stany and Fr Pius Pinto, as my Parish Priests were constantly encouraging me on my journey. However after my SSLC examination I expressed my desire to be a priest for the Diocese of Mangalore and My Parents were happy to send me to the minor seminary. Then Bishop of Mangalore Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza accepted me as a minor seminarian and I was sent to Gladsom House. Admits regular spiritual exercises, the mischiefs we played are still green in my mind. Our formators were strict but they always had the heart of compassion.

In the year 2016, among three brothers I was also promoted to the major seminary at Jeppu. Initially I was nervous and defendant because of my fluency in English language and communication skills. My professors never gave up on me even in my struggles especially in academics. My batch mates were the great source of support and appreciations. Progressively I made it point to nurture the devotion of my family and also become confident in facing people. One of my strengths were singing, which I also improved steadily.

The greatest day of my Life is June 5th 2023, the day I was ordained Deacon for the Diocese of Mangalore by His Excellency Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha at St Joseph’s Seminary, Mangalore. Now when I look behind at the journey of my life, I can see the hand of God, who was frequently accompanying me to fight my own limitations and struggles. At this Juncture my heart overflows with gratitude towards My Parents, Bishops, Rectors and Professors, Parish Priests, Ministry guides, benefactors and well-wishers for their guidance support and encouragement on my journey towards the Altar. At last I would like to end this by saying that I myself is weak, but with God I can achieve anything.

My name is Rikson Monteiro from Manjeshwar, in the diocese of Udupi. The vocation to priesthood is a free gift from God, and our duty is to nurture it. My vocation story begins with my early catechism days when I was attracted to the Altar while the priests were celebrating the Eucharist. After completing my 10th grade studies, I felt that I needed a little more time, so I postponed my decision until my PUC studies. Later on, I found it very difficult to say “yes” to the Lord, as I realized it would be challenging for me to lead a celibate life. Therefore, I gave up my plan.

After completing my post-graduation studies, I got an opportunity to work in Dubai, where I had a lot of time for self-reflection. I often thought about my life and joining the seminary. Although I struggled to say yes to the Lord, I eventually made a strong decision to join the seminary. I called a priest who gave me guidelines on discerning my vocation, such as reading the Word of God, devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary, and meeting with a local priest for counseling. I followed all his instructions, which helped me discern my vocation.

After two years of work, I joined the seminary and have now reached the end of my formation. Throughout my formation, I have never felt that I made a wrong decision. Following Jesus Christ is the best decision I have ever made in my life. My spiritual fathers, professors, and Humar formation directors have helped me nurture my vocation, and I am grateful to them. I am always thankful to Jesus Christ for calling me. It brings me real joy and happiness to follow Him.