You are currently viewing Fr Anil Ivan Fernandes,Rector of Gladsom Home bags Gold medal in M.A. Journalism from St Aloysius College (Autonomous) Mangalore

Fr Anil Ivan Fernandes,Rector of Gladsom Home bags Gold medal in M.A. Journalism from St Aloysius College (Autonomous) Mangalore

MANGALURU DEC 15: In a grand formal felicitation organised in St Aloysius (Autonomous) College  Fr Anil Ivan Fernandes,Rector of Gladsom Home bagged a Gold medal in M.A,Journalism and Mass Communication on Wednesday,Dec 15th 2021.


          Gladsom students congratulated Rector after the program. Addressing the Students “This should be an inspiration for you all. It’s my dream to see you all achieving this honour” Fr said. Dolfy D’Souza a parishioner of Rosario Cathedral and a well wisher of Gladsom Home also congratulated Rector. This achievement of Rector has motivated students to achieve something great in their life.

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