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Green Glass Bottle Grotto of Mother Mary in Gladsom Home

When it comes to used glass bottles most of the people are pleased with the idea of converting them into new products that is to recycle. Student seminarians at Gladsom Home, Mangalore adopted upcycle rather than recycle. In this process, they created a beautiful grotto of Mother Mary with glass bottles. The creativity behind the thought  and artistic Skillsat work which attracts everyone who comes to Gladsom Home. 

The idea of preparing bottle grotto was inscribed in the minds of seminarians by Fr Anil Ivan Fernandes, Rector of Gladsom Home. “You start making of the grotto with the glass bottles even though we don’t have a statue of Mother Mary. Let’s pray and we will get it”,  Fr Anil said. As a surprise and the miraculous intervention of Mother Mary, there were two statues of Mother Mary sponsored  before the feast of nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


As a step forward Br Joel, Regent of the house planned for it systematically and organized the student seminarians to actualise the idea. “We will have a great satisfaction and contentment when we see our Mother adorning the grotto with her gracious presence,” Br said.

The plan was awesome but realizing it was not an easy job. The dedication and commitment of the students converted this arduous task into a reality. This grotto was erected within a span of three weeks. The grotto consists of 324 green glass bottles. The bottles are compiled together using string and threads. The expenses of the grotto came up to Rs 15000. The grotto  and the statue of Immaculate Conception are sponsored by Mr Arun D Souza (Fermai). The statue of Maria Bombino for the novena to the Blessed Virgin Mary was sponsored by Mr  Santhosh and Mrs Rosina Montheiro, Monkeystand.

It is said creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment; it fashions its perfect moments out of ordinary ones. Gladsom students converted ordinary glass bottles into a creative grotto. Mother Mary will be venerated in this grotto in the upcoming days.


This creative act gives a call for future seminarians to think out of the box.

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