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Br Blany appointed new Regent to Gladsom

MANGALORE, June 02:  Gladsom students along with their Rector Rev.Fr Praveen Leo Lasrado and Spiritual Director Fr Harry Dsouza welcomed Br Blany Thomas Fernandes here in Gladsom on Thursday 1st June.

Gladsom Family was glad to welcome Br Blany who hails from Nainad Parish as the regent to Gladsom Home for this year. He was accompanied by his parents and family members.

The programme began with the prayer service, which was presided by Fr Harry followed by Fr Rector’s words of welcome. Fr Harry Told  “We are all called to be the salt of the earth and light of the world” and at the end Br Blany expressed his gratitude to his parents.

Br Blany told “It’s a homecoming to me. It was here where I started my journey and I am back here; there were many things which I learnt here which were helpful to me in my ministry”.  Anson comperared the programme. The programme ended with evening snacks.

We wish Br Blany a fruitful ministry as regent in the house.

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