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Gladsom Home celebrates 74th Independence Day

To mark the 74th Independence Day and the Feast of Assumption of Mary Gladsom Home Minor Seminary Mangalore Organised a Solemn mass at 7:00 am followed by hoisting of the flag in the premises.


The Chief guest of the day Br Joel hoisted the flag and addressed the gathering. “All of us are born free and we receive this freedom from God. You can experience real freedom only when we have mastery over our life. Though India is free from the hands of the British rule, it is not free from its various social evils, ” said Br Joel.
Sr Madeline, Superior,Jesus and Mary Convent in her address wished love, prosperity and brotherhood. She also gave an idea on how the independence and the assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary are connected.

The Rector Fr Anil Ivan Fernandes endorsed the words said by the Chief guest and wished all happy Independence day. Later Patriotic songs were sung by the student seminarians and the sisters to mark the day.

The program was organized by student seminarians with the guidance of Regent Br.  Nishanth Cornelio Commanded the Flag hoisting Ceremony. Flexon Lobo gave the speech on importance of the day and compared the programme.



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